The Mares in Black are pleased to announce that we have selected Sarah Gresens as the MIB Youth Sensei and third MARE! Sarah has been a long time fan and has patiently waited for us to publish and fill the youth position FOR-EVERRRR. We met her at Breyerfest a few years ago and she was so bright and funny, we knew she would be a great fit to try and make us old Mares hip!
She will contribute youth segments for the show, videos for our YouTube channel and help with our social media, especially Instagram!
Also known as horsegirl474 on platforms, Sarah is 19 years old, lives in northern VA and is currently studying communications at community college. She’s been collecting since 2010 and her herd currently sits at around 600 traditional models. Her favorite mold is Cigar which she currently has a conga of 38! She has been a long time hobby Instagrammer/YouTuber who has attended Breyerfest since 2012. She has been live showing since 2014 and says she can’t wait to put her skills to the test as the third Mare!
Stay tuned for an upcoming special bonus MIB episode where we introduce Sarah to our listeners!
Congratulations Sarah, and welcome to The Mare in Black team!