Pardon us for the delay, the post model horse festival hangover show part two was beset by our real jobs, event burnout and Weird Al. In this show, the Mares cover Saturday through Monday festivities like The Children/Youth Show, Breychella, the Live auction and the raffles as well as more feel-good stories from THE FEST! Listen here!
Show Resources
Stories from the Fest #4 “Left Behind”
BreyerBF Special Run BreakdownsThe rest https://www.breyerhorses.com/blogs/breyerfest-blog/2019-special-run-breakdowns
Mid year releases https://www.breyerhorses.com/collections/new
TBT to collectors event in 2002 and 2014 Big Easy Bash https://www.facebook.com/BreyerModelHorsesOFFICIAL/posts/10157052561416075
Empres meets his great grand sire Bask at KHP https://www.facebook.com/BreyerModelHorsesOFFICIAL/posts/10157047401746075 Stormy Strike BF vlog wrap ups https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsS5ku3q8PdPrOsYzpABrhPOwyeadR5gG
Stories from the Fest #5 “Random Act of Kindness” https://www.facebook.com/groups/250336491718721/permalink/2488477737904574/
Stories from the Fest #6 “Repeat the Beat” https://www.facebook.com/groups/1428344554103126/permalink/2347402428863996/
Hobby Events
Pennsylvania Model Horse Meetup Aug 10th with Megan of _Starry_Night_Studios_ https://www.facebook.com/PAPoniesMeetUp/ contact her at Instagram @_starry_night_studios_ or on the event FB page
The Jennifer Show http//:www.thejennifershow.net
Stories from the Fest #6 “Mentoring youth in the mountains” https://www.facebook.com/carol.vonmichaelis/posts/10220183593724576