The second episode of the MIB podcast is available! The mares talk BreyerFest prize models, mid-year releases, Premier Club sneak, Vintage Club release, Copperfox new releases, Precious Stone and much, much MORE!

Show resources:
Prize models (overall) (sectionals glossy Brunello and glossy Hwin are not pictured)
Breyerfest show staff/judges:
Regular Run Judges: Heather Raye and Joanna Bechtel Steward: Carrie Sloan-Meyer
Special Run Judges: Meghan Namaste and Betsy Andrews Steward: Karla Phelps
Collectibility Judges: Cari Chaney and Sarah Roche
Breed in Limited Run judged by Mary Vinyard and Michelle Masters Steward: Beth Patterson
Customized Judge: Allie Davidson Steward: Kim Wandry
Foal Judge: Letrisha Wise Steward: Joanne Raver
Mini Judge: Pam Simancik Steward: Jessica Fry
Novice Performance Judge: Mary Vinyard Steward: Jessica Fry
Open English Performance Judge: Leah Korper
Open Western Performance Judge: Erin Corbett
Open Miscellaneous Performance Judge: Tiffany Purdy Steward: Sara Olson
Stage Staff: Mary Chrusciel (announcer), Nancy Timm, Silke Brockmoeller, Sande & Tom Schneider (information table and tracking board)
Data Entry and Results: Heather Bacon
Photography and Public Relations: Amy Bacon
Collector’s Class judges Commonality: Sarah, Letrisha, Sande
Variety: Heather R., Betsy, Cari
Novice: Joanna, Meghan, Pam
China heads ARE weird (and proud of it!). Had to laugh at that one.