The Mares in Black are excited to announce their 2019 Holiday Contest! For this year’s competition we are having a coloring contest challenge! Christine Jordan whipped up this wonderful holiday themed coloring sheet for us and we couldn’t be more thrilled.
Entrants are welcome to color in the art anyway they please, digitally or manually, in any media they please! Markers, watercolor, Photoshop, acrylics, crayons, MS Paint, mixed media, you name it! The sky is the limit.
The contest runs from December 1st to December 24th, 2019. There will be two divisions, youth and open. Youth is for entries 12 and under and open is for everyone else! You can download the line art here.
Please email your digital or scanned art to info@maresinblack.com by 11:59pm EST on Dec 24th, 2019 to be considered for the contest. Please send as a PDF, JPG, TIFF or PNG. Please note if you are a YOUTH or OPEN entry in your email.
We will have two nice prize packages for the winners of each division that include MIB swag, OF models and other fun surprises. We will share what the prize packages entail in the coming days!
The Mares along with the a small panel of judges, which we will announce soon, will judge the entries and we will announce the winners on the MIB Holiday Show which will air on New Years Day 2020!
Good luck to everyone! If you have question please feel free to email us or comment!